We’re proud that in 2014, Green Saffron initiated ‘Project Fresh’. This is a live initiative we developed to set gold standards in spice sourcing determined through 3 core pillars: (1) highest grade spice (2) a verifiable sustainable spice supply chain – focussing on the socio-economic impact of the agricultural (3) spice science.

GS only sources the most recent harvest available. These fresh spices are steam-treated prior to being milled and blended at source, leveraging our partner’s cultural expertise and 150 year experience. Our raw materials and blends are then shipped directly from India to our warehouse in Ireland and The Netherlands. The fresh spices are blended within 12-16 weeks of being picked, selected and winnowed. All the applicable industry standards and laws regarding the supply of spices on the EU market are complied with, including all microbiological criteria.

Green Saffron (GS) sources its range of spices via a connected company based in India. Currently all products supplied by GS are selected by a spice expert/master blender from spice farms in India. The spices are specially chosen for their specific variety, freshness and quality. Tests on the selected spices consistently demonstrate that they contain a volatile oil content which is higher than the industry standard. GS pepper has a volatile oil content of between 3.2 and 4.5%, depending on crop/harvest results, variety, time of year.
GS only sources the most recent harvest available. These fresh spices are steam-treated prior to being milled and blended at source, leveraging our partner’s cultural expertise and 150 year experience. Our raw materials and blends are then shipped directly from India to our warehouse in Ireland and The Netherlands. The fresh spices are blended within 12-16 weeks of being picked, selected and winnowed. All the applicable industry standards and laws regarding the supply of spices on the EU market are complied with, including all microbiological criteria.
The sourcing, cultivation and traceability of the highest-grade varietal, fresh spices together with the speed within which these spices are blended from milling, is what makes the GS difference.
Sensory tests have shown this since the company’s inception as an artisan producer in 2007 this taste benefit has more recently been confirmed by independent sensory tests undertaken by key customers. The GS difference is:
- Farms are hand-picked in India
- Fresh, new season’s crop sourced direct from farm of cultivation
- Only the freshest, best, highest-grade quality spices are selected
- The volatile oil content is consistently higher than the accepted ‘conventional norm’ resulting in a better taste profile to spice and onward processed product
- Spices are blended and incorporated within end product, within 12-16 weeks of milling: industry average is much more than this and estimated at anything up to 10 months
- GS spices taste better because they are fresh(er)
- NPD and spice manipulation skills brought to blends of these spices and added value food products by principle Arun Kapil
Our program target is to establish the requirements to deliver the Green Saffron Promise, a sustainable spice supply chain, traceable from Farm to Fork (F2F), in conjunction with innovative science based spice applications across industry sectors.
- Farms are hand-picked in India
- Fresh, new season’s crop sourced direct from farm of cultivation
- Only the freshest, best, highest-grade quality spices are selected
- The volatile oil content is consistently higher than the accepted ‘conventional norm’ resulting in a better taste profile to spice and onward processed product
- Spices are blended and incorporated within end product, within 12-16 weeks of milling: industry average is much more than this and estimated at anything up to 10 months
- GS spices taste better because they are fresh(er)
- NPD and spice manipulation skills brought to blends of these spices and added value food products by principle Arun Kapil
Our program target is to establish the requirements to deliver the Green Saffron Promise, a sustainable spice supply chain, traceable from Farm to Fork (F2F), in conjunction with innovative science based spice applications across industry sectors.
All very official and with less irreverence than maybe our perceived norm, the Initiative underpins our business and how it interacts with the environment in which we operate. We look forward to publishing a first update in due course and certainly before year end 2027.