This is an excellent, lightly spiced version of the delicious, homely classic – Bacon and Cabbage (with Bombay Aloo potatoes and a Mustard sauce, please see separate recipes). This recipe may look a bit off-putting at first glance, but I’ve written it in the order you should cook everything to end up with an absolutely beautiful meal. Follow the simple instructions, maybe just read them through first, before starting to cook and you’ll end up with a result well worth every ounce of your efforts…guaranteed


Ingredients for the bacon:

Bacon loin – 1.2kg/3lb

Water –  fresh, cold and plenty(!)

GREEN SAFFRON’s Gobhi Bacon Spice Mix SACHET 1 2 tsp or half the sachet

Ingredients for the cabbage:

Coriander – fresh, finely chopped (stalks and all)  a good handful

Cabbage, Savoy (or your favourite type) –  1 whole one

Sunflower or vegetable oil  – 100ml/3floz

Chilli, red, deseeded and chopped into fine strips (julienne)  –  ½ a chilli, 5g or ¼oz

Ginger, cut into thin batons                                                                                         15g/½oz

GREEN SAFFRON’s Gobhi Bacon Spice Mix SACHET 2

Ingredients for the Bacon glaze:

Jaggery, grated or soft brown sugar – 50g/2oz

GREEN SAFFRON’s Gobhi Bacon Spice Mix SACHET 1   the remaining half of the sachet

Cooking water from the bacon  –  1 tbsp


How to start your meal:

  1. Get a large pot, place the bacon in it and cover with cold water
  2. Place the pot (with the bacon and water in it) on a high heat and bring to the boil, lid off
  3. Allow to boil for 1 minute, then take off the heat and drain off the water, pouring it down the sink.
  4. Repeat this 2 more times, except the third time it comes to the boil, turn the heat down to a good, bubbling simmer (don’t throw the water out this time and move onto to step 5!!)
  5. Add half the Gobhi Bacon Spice Mix SACHET 1 to the water, stir and allow the bacon to cook for about 45 minutes.
  6. When the bacon is cooked, turn off the heat.
  7. Immediately remove the bacon from the water, again leaving the water in the pot, and place it on a handy plate or platter, fatty side pointing up toward the ceiling.


And breathe…..

8. If you’re making the Bombay potatoes to go with your Bacon and Cabbage (highly recommended!!), now is the time to make them up. Just follow the simple recipe, then pop them in the oven.

Time to start the cabbage….

9. Put the pot of bacon water back onto a high heat

10. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage into 6 pieces, through the root (down the ‘poles’ of the cabbage) to create 6 wedges, each holding its own shape. I find it easiest to chop the cabbage in half down the ‘poles’, then to cut each half into 3 wedge-shaped pieces.

11. When the bacon water has come to the boil, carefully place the 6 wedges of cabbage into it (using tongs).

12. Allow the water to come back to the boil, then (par) cook for 4 or 5 minutes.

13. Remove the wedges from the water (using the tongs) and set aside. 

Nearly there….time to glaze the bacon

Turn your oven on to 180°C (if you’re not already cooking the Bombay Potatoes)

14. Mix all the above ingredients in a small bowl

15. Next, score the fat of the bacon with a sharp knife

16. Place the bacon joint on a roasting tray

17. Then, pat all the sugary mix onto and all over the scored fat of the bacon joint. Don’t worry if some spills onto the tray, it’ll all taste great.

18. Place on a low shelf in the oven and cook for 10 to 15 minutes

NB If you are cooking the Bombay Potatoes, remember they take about 35mins to cook at 180°C so you can put the glazed bacon on its tray in the oven, on a shelf below the potatoes for the last 10 to 15 minutes of cooking

Whilst that’s going on, it’s time to finish off the cabbage…

19. Take a large frying pan, pour in the oil and heat on medium heat for a couple of minutes.

20. Add the chilli and ginger strips, stir and allow to sizzle for about 30 seconds

21. Then add all the contents of GREEN SAFFRON’s Gobhi Bacon Spice Mix SACHET 2, stir around to combine all flavours, then immediately place each cabbage wedge into the pan, being mindful of any dripping water spitting up, out of the pan

22. Turn the heat up to high and fry for 3 minutes, then turn each wedge over onto its other side and fry for another 2 or 3 minutes. (You want the edges of each wedge to just get a little blackened, but NOT burnt all over!!)

23. Turn the heat off and set the pan aside….

FINALLY, time to serve!!

24. Take the bacon out of the oven (and the potatoes if you’re cooking them). Carefully place the bacon on a chopping board and carve thin slices…

25. Place a couple of slices of the glazed bacon on a plate along with a wedge of cabbage and a good helping of the Bombay Aloo potatoes, sprinkle with the freshly chopped coriander, serve immediately and listen to the sighs of appreciation from your guests and family…..enjoy!!

Serving suggestion:

A free-range or organic fried egg works really as an accompaniment…for an extra comfort-food factor.

Serve with a glass of milk, a good cup of Barry’s, Green Saffron’s Chai, an Indian beer or a good, fresh, Pinot Noir…your choice. But friends and family are a must!

Alternative suggestions:

Try making Green Saffron’s creamy mustard sauce recipe to go with this meal. It’s really simple and definitely adds that extra something…